Friday, May 16, 2008

Beijing Zoo

So the Beijing Zoo is quite large. However, given the number of animals they have, not so much. Most of the animals, they have a great number of them, living together in a space far too small. I felt bad for those giant apes in spaces the size of my Chinese dorm room... NOT GOOD. Plus the way the Chinese behave at the zoo is bad because they provoke the animals and tease them and try to get their attention so they can take a million pictures and blind the poor animals. Kids and adults bang on the glass and try to feed the animals (sometimes human food!) and they litter in the animal's habitat. They yell at the animals and scare them.
I felt really bad because the orangutan, who was of course really smart, wanted to go into to his outside habitat, but the door was locked. He got right up against the glass and inspected the locked door through the glass, and he poked and prodded at the door, and I was SURE he would get it open... he was getting so close, but then these annoying people came and annoyed the poor animal and he went to sit in the corner. Poor thing was in this little cramped dark room that is literally smaller than a dorm room. I wanted to help him open the door so he could go outside, but it was locked of course, and silly me, I hadn't brought some bolt-cutters with me to the zoo.
Then there was lots of kangaroos, which was neat. They were all laying lazily in the sun, and the one near me had a joey that was in the mother's pouch, head first with only his big kangaroo feet sticking out. There were hippos and rhinos, too, which are kind of rare to see in zoos, so that was neat, but at the same time I felt bad gawking at these huge wild animals who lived in a space too small for even a human to comfortably live in. At least I was nice about it, though, unlike many fellow spectators who will do just about anything to those poor animals. The Beijing Zoo apparently has no rules about pestering the animals.

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