Thursday, December 13, 2007

I really stink at using chopsticks

I received my course schedule yesterday and my first thought was YIKES. I have Chinese class Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8 AM t0 9:40, and that's not bad. However, the rest of my classes are all on Thursday, and right in a row. I will be in class from 1:30 to 10:15 at night...since all of my courses besides Chinese are once a week, they are all very long, so I get about 15 minutes between each class. I only hope they're all in the same building so I have time to quickly eat something between classes, since I'm told it's considered rude to eat in class in China. That leaves the rest of the week for Chinese study, research, and fun stuff, but I don't know how I will survive those marathon Thursdays. I get shaky on Tues/Thurs here just from being in class from 8:30 to 12:45 and I always have to eat something between the 2nd and 3rd class because my blood sugar always plummets during class #2 for some reason. I will have to explore the wonders of Chinese grocery shopping.

Today Dr. Fisher took me out to lunch at a restaurant that serves authentic Chinese cuisine. I tried something amazing that everyone should sample: Ginger pork. It's like the best thing EVER. Anyways, I began my 'training' using chopsticks, and I must say, I'm completely awful at it right now. We went to a Chinese market after lunch and I got some reuseable ones to practice with before I leave.
Dr. Fisher's two daughters, who are both Chinese, are the cutest kids ever. Haha, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen when they would go up to Asian people and say "Ni Hao." Too cute. They shared their opinions regarding Chinese gum, which is pretty tasty actually. I got some Chinese candy that is also really good too. I'm just curious what types of stores and products I will encounter in Beijing. Hopefully I can take someone with me to read labels or something...lord knows what I would purchase left to myself.
I am getting excited to the point that it interferes with my sleep now. I think it's more anxiety though, knowing me. I just keep thinking about all the stuff I need to do before I go, and most of it I can't do yet.
And there's the sad realization that soon I will be seperated from my favorite people ever, my brother Jake, and my amazing boyfriend Kevin, who will be here right here waiting for my return. And then there's my BFF Christa, and I just can't imagine not being her roommate :( We are 'kindred spirits' and I'm sad that I won't see her for a long time... no one gets my humor like she does, we're two of a kind. And my mom... who will she call everyday? We call eachother many times each day, and that's going to be weird, not doing that anymore. I will miss my profs and my college too, even though that sounds weird. Sometimes I think I'm better friends with some professors than I am with students (Haha, especially considering I've been out to lunch with my 3 favorite professors, etc). AND I will really miss my memory foam mattress cover and pillow!!
Well, I still have finals that need to be studied for, and papers to finish. I will have to write more elaborately after I am done here with the semester.

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