Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy Valley and Temple of Heaven

So this weekend was busy for me. The weather here has become downright lovely, and I feel the constant need to be outdoors. Friday was a holiday here in China - Qing Ming Festival. Qing Ming Festival is a festival for people to sweep their ancestors’ graves; it strikes me as being kind of similar to our Memorial Day, where many Americans go to the cemetery to decorate the grave sites of loved ones. Anyways, me and a Chinese friend headed to Happy Valley, and new amusement park in Beijing. This place blew me away. It's set up into various 'sections' that are all themed after ancient cities. There is Atlantis, Shangri-la, the Aegean Harbor, the Lost Mayan City, etc, and the scenery is incredible. It looked like how I envision DisneyWorld, only better for me because I like ancient stuff. The rides were cutting edge too, and I got to go on this one ride that was unlike anything I have ever heard of before. It was both frightening and exhilirating. However, because I went on a Friday and it was a holiday, the place was very busy. I want to go again on a less-busy day.
On Sunday I went with some TBC classmates to see the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan). This was the place where the Emperor would pray to the gods and make sacrifices to the gods as well. I will put pictures in Photobucket, but Google it and you will instantly recognize this building. It's VERY famous. I am still eagerly awaiting our TBC weekend trips to the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and of course, the Great Wall. Now that the weather is nice, I am always out and about, seeing Beijing. I still need to visit the Olympic Stadium and the Zoo, for sure... any other suggestions?
I will keep you updated on my adventures. Zai jian.

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